If in the past all my blog posts were well accepted, one thing for sure, till you finish this post, I will be chastised and loathed for my audacity to be honest. But I don’t mind if obituaries are written for me for being honest. Thank God that I don’t have a Publisher to please; otherwise if writing was my means of livelihood, for this article I would have had to sacrifice my job. But this is my blog and so I have the luxury to have the liberty to give vent to my ideas, uncensored!
Few days back a friend’s status message on Gtalk read like this: “Does setting up attractive status message shows someone's character in any sense OR people try to attain faaltu ka attention!!!” I kept on pondering on those lines. The word that struck me was “ATTENTION”. Was questioning myself, how many of us would really not like to have attention? This ‘attention deficit syndrome’ or ‘hyper attention disorder’ (these are terms coined by me and I am not aware whether such terms trace its origin to Psychology or Sociology) is the most common ailment human beings suffer from. And with the coming of the new age concept of ‘social-networking’ I think this ailment is finding its most visible manifestation.
I always consider this idea of social-networking as ‘self-networking’. It is the most appropriate platform for self-eulogy and self glorification. Truth is we all are narcissists. Only the extent differs. And social networking today is the most visible reflection of this narcissism. Mark Zuckerberg (for the uninitiated, he is the founder of Facebook) is the most intelligent man on earth today. He understood this logic of narcissism so well. And as a reward for this understanding and intelligence, Facebook today has over 500 million active users as of July 2010 (Source: Wikipedia). For that matter other social networking sites like Orkut and Twitter are also cashing on this logic of narcissism.
Day after day as I log in and scan through the pages of my account in Orkut/Facebook/Twitter what I come across is some unnecessary information that makes no difference in my life. But it does make a difference to other people, because it gives them publicity and helps them acquire a cult-status (of course not according to me, but its self-professed). What I fail to reason is how is buying a ‘X’ TB Hard disk drive going to help the people in your friend list ? And surprisingly this has been a status update. I have even seen status updates that say “bought a new blah blah phone with blah blah GB space and blah blah Mega pixel camera!!” Can anyone enlighten me as to what will I do with all these useless information?? The only idea that this kind of updates convey to me is that ‘look my phone/HDD/camera is new and swanky and comes for a hefty price and you don’t have one!” What would you call it then? Isn’t it narcissism? (Otherwise I don’t find any logic behind that update. Pardon my naivety in that regard.)
Let me share with you yet another instance of narcissism galore. There are people I know who the first thing they do when they are transferred to a foreign country (for any reason-job, marriage, project, education) is update the ‘Current City’ option of their accounts. For example, if someone is transferred to say New York or London or Paris, they would immediately update their “current city” option even before their flight takes them to their current city! But strikingly the same pace is not followed when some one is transferred from say Bangalore to Delhi or for that matter from New Jersey to New Delhi! I am not conjuring up stories from thin air. I have made these observations and I am writing it from my own experiences in this unreal world of social networking.
My innocent querry is that what are we trying to prove out of this silly publicity? I know and most of us know that all of us love attention. But what is the rationale behind such blatant narcissism? I have seen people upload bizarre pictures in their albums. Pictures which convey nothing but yet are fashion statements. What is the logic of having a profile picture where you are grabbing your husband or your husband is grabbing you until you or your husband choke of asphyxiation? Does that convey your love which is immeasurable or the lack of it in which case the picture bears testimony to that realization? Have we all lost our private world? Is this unreal world of social-networking everything? Does everything that happens to us need to be made public EXPLICITLY? Do we really do things keeping in mind what others would think about it or do we still do things using our own heads?
May be I am a misfit in this strange world of self-marketing. But I am happy that I have a world of my own with my loved ones where I share my dreams with them. That is all mine. I have established a ‘Firewall security’ for that world. Interestingly some of my closest friends are not even in my friends list in Orkut/Facebook. I don’t want to be known by how many followers/ friends I have. It conveys nothing to me. And I don’t experience any joy or pride in bragging that “I have bought a phone” or “going for a holiday in Singapore” or “I have completed my so and so degree.”
When I joined Twitter I had X number of followers and today I might be having X+X number of followers, but how does it matter to me ? My world does not revolve around these ‘Virtual Friends’. Tweets mentioning going for blah blah meeting, shooting for blah blah movie, gave a blah blah speech or inaugurated a blah blah auditorium are nothing but mindless mementoes of trying to rise from mediocrity. I used to follow Tharoor, Shahrukh and many such stars. But eventually I lost interest in their tweets because it has nothing but information about their daily schedules and LOVE YOU ALL, HUGS TO ALL-type messages. I want to learn and status messages like these portray nothing but insensible narcissism.
So readers (both friends and anonymous) bash me, hate me or criticize me after reading this post, cause I know for a post like this more brickbats would be laid than bouquets ( because if not all, there would be some who would fall in any one of the above mentioned categories of narcissists !). But I am not a ‘please all’ type of a character.Social networking can and should be used for connecting with the society.Explicit narcissism would defeat the entire idea behind 'networking' and would eclipse the essence of the word 'social'.